The first few months that a young entrant spends in your company is probably the most important – for you and him!

These critical days and weeks will decide how the newcomer will grow in the company – will he/she be a star? Or will they just fade away and spend the remaining time that they are in your company wasting everyone’s time!

You have the opportunity and indeed the responsibility to shape how this happens. It is critical that you impart the right skills and mindset that will serve the company well into the future.

At EmergWay, we specialize in the training of young minds to perform at their best. We have created a model for induction and orientation training that will sync with your needs and goals.

The EmergWay training program will be designed like a learning ladder, one step leading to the next and hence every individual has to go through this training from the beginning and participate in every step.

Based on our benchmarking with companies that run an excellent program, the general process for common GET training before allocation to different departments will be as follows

The objective of the training program is to facilitate an effective integration of the newcomers into the organization by creating a sense of belonging in them and also help them understand their roles and responsibilities. Our training program will address key areas like communication improvement, personality enhancement, team building and technical skills enhancement

Important benefits of the training program will include

  • The GETs will understand the values important to the organization and the behaviors that drive these values
  • Help them make a smoother transition into the business and assimilate into the company culture
  • Higher individual satisfaction leading to improved productivity
  • Low attrition. Our program will improve retention of employees.